Students host free income tax assistance for community
Wilkes Accounting students are hosting a tax assistance event to the public on Feb. 6, 13, 20 and 27 by appointment.
As of January 29, 33 individual appointments have been made.
The student junior coordinators for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program are Matthew Reese, Maura Anistranski, Gabrielle Baran and Lauren West.
The program will be run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. by appointment in room 134 of UCOM, 169 South Main St.
The event occurs through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, VITA.
The VITA offers free tax assistance to individuals with a household income of less than $54,000 who file basic federal, state and local tax returns.
Those interested in the service need to bring photo identification; valid social security cards for the tax payer, spouse and dependents; W-2 forms from all employers; Form 1099; if available, a copy of the previous year’s federal and state returns; other information about income and expenses; bank routing numbers and account numbers for direct deposit; total paid for day care provider and provider’s tax identifying number; and health care coverage, Form 1095 or health care exemption forms.
Married spouses must both be present at time of filing joint returns.
Appointments can be made by reaching 570-408-5614. For general information, call Ann Marie Feldmeth at 570-408-4710.

Sarah Bedford is a senior Communications Studies and Political Science double major, working towards concentrations in journalism, public relations and...