AOTW: John Wink, senior lacrosse player
The Beacon: Male Athlete of the Week Mar. 5 – Mar. 11 Why John Wink was selected: Wink scored five goals in Wilkes’ loss to Bridgewater, one of which was the100th of his career. In a 17-6 win over Mount St. Vincent, Wink scored seven goals with two assists and four ground balls to lead Wilkes to a 1-1 week, recording 15 points and 12 goals.
Male Athlete of the Week: John Wink, senior lacrosse player
Name: John Wink
Year: Senior
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Glenside, Pa.
High School: Abington Senior HS
Position: Attack
Driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?
I decided to come to Wilkes because of the river so I could go fishing.
Post-graduation plans in terms of a career?
After graduation, I would like to move to New York and help Cody Geidel start a pickle plantation.
When/Why did you first begin playing?
I started playing lacrosse in the sixth grade because all my friends stopped playing baseball and started playing lacrosse instead.
Favorite thing to do during practice?
My favorite thing is walking all the way to the field house from the lower lot while at practice.
Hopes for this season as a Colonel?
This season, I hope that our team will make playoffs.
If you had to choose one thing about your program that you could improve, what would it be?
I would have the stadium on campus so that more people could come and enjoy our games.
Other interests or hobbies off of the field?
I like to eat ice cream, and I really like a nice pair of slacks.
Favorite building on campus?
Cohen Science Center.
Favorite professor?
Dr. Dralley.
What came first? The chicken or the egg?
The chicken.
Favorite meal to eat on campus?
My favorite meal to eat on campus is pizza from the SUB.
Coke or Pepsi?
Most influential person in your life?
My dad.
If you could have dinner with a famous person from the past, who would it be?
If I could have dinner with a famous person, it would have to be Chris Farley.
A quote you live your life by?
I live my life by “G.E.T.S.O.M.E.,” which means Go Every Time So Others May Everytime.
What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?
To me, “Be Colonel” means to be as “JT” as much as possible.
Anyone to give a shout-out to?
Sideline squad.
-Compiled by Kirsten Peters, Co-Sports Editor

Kirsten Peters is a senior communication studies major with concentrations in multimedia journalism, broadcast production and strategic communication,...