AOTW: Alex Anderson, senior golfer

Why Alex Anderson was selected: Anderson shot a 76 against Misericordia to take Medalist Honors, which was the best score out of all the golfers of the match, helping the team remain undefeated as they take on MAC Freedom play.

Nicole Gaetani

Alex Anderson Senior Golfer

Name: Alex Anderson

Year: Senior

Major: Biology

Hometown: Bear Creek Township, Pa.

High School: Coughlin HS

Driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?

Wilkes gave me an opportunity to major in a very established biology program whereas other schools that had offered me golf scholarships did not. On top of that, Wilkes is close to home and makes me feel at home as well.

Post graduation plans in terms of a career?

I hope to one day be a dentist specializing in perio- and endodontistry.

Favorite building on campus?

Cohen or the library.

If we put jolly ranchers into a container, how many do you think you could lift?

Probably 200-300, don’t underestimate Jolly Ranchers.

What came first? The chicken or the egg?

Rooster, then chicken, then egg.

Hopes for this season as a Colonel?

As a team we hope to stay undefeated after our win last week against Misericordia. As long as we keep playing well and posting good scores the sky’s the limit.

When/Why did you first begin playing?

I first started when I was 5. Golf has always been a huge part of my life and I owe it all to my family for supporting me and giving me the opportunity to play. If it was not for them I would not be where I am today.

What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?

“Be Colonel” to me means going above what is expected out of someone you would think of as a typical college student.

Coke or Pepsi?


If you had to choose one thing about your program that you could improve, what would it be?

One thing I would want to change is how the program is viewed. Not many people believe it, but golf is extremely mentally and physically straining and I think golf deserves more respect in general. All too often I still hear “Wilkes has a golf team?”

Other interests or hobbies off of the field?

I frequently go to Bart and Urby’s wing night, consume way too much Dunkin Donuts, and grow glorious mustaches.

Most influential person in your life?

Definitely my pop. He is no doubt my best friend. Whether we are going for breakfast before the sun is up or sitting and talking together, I look forward to every moment with him.

A quote you live your life by?

“”You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky” -Michael Scott”

What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?

“Be Colonel” to me means going above what is expected out of someone you would think of as a typical college student.

If you could have dinner with a famous person from the past, who would it be?

Definitely Benjamin Franklin.

Coke or Pepsi?


Favorite meal to eat on campus?

Lucky Charms from the SUB (2% milk).

Favorite professor?

Dr. Biggers

Anyone to give a shout-out to?

Kate Jimison, you still owe me an Olive Garden date.


-Compiled by Amber Grohowski