Getting to know… Christina Gambino
Name: Christina Gambino
Year: Junior
Major: Biology
Hometown/High School: Basking Ridge, NJ. Ridge High School
Position: First Base, Pitcher
Q: What was the driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?
A: The biology department and how well rounded a biology degree here was. It would set me up to go on to whatever professional school I wanted. Also, the softball facilities are pretty amazing.
Q: Post Graduation Plans in terms of a Career?
A: I plan on going to graduate school to get a Masters in Athletic Training, and one day work towards a PhD in Athletic Training or Sports Medicine.
Q: What are your hopes for your junior season as a Colonel?A: Regionals. As the season continues our goal of making the conference playoff for the first time in nine years, is getting closer and closer, and as we continue to work hard we are striving to reach new limits. We are a young talented team with strong leadership from the returners, the sky is the limit for us.
Q: When/Why did you first begin playing softball?
A: Softball/Baseball runs in my family. My dad was a big time high school baseball coach in NJ, and my brother grew up playing the game. I just followed the trend and loved it. I worked hard to keep up with my older brother and had amazing support from my mom and dad. I grew up watching the Yankees, and College Softball on TV and became a student of the game very early.
Q: If you had to choose one thing about Wilkes’ Softball Program that you could improve, what would it be?
A: Finding the right food to eat before a game is sometimes difficult, especially on the weekends. If the University could provide an early healthy breakfast or meal before a long day of games that would be the most helpful.
Q: Do you have other sports/interest/hobbies off of the field?
A: During the fall, I intern with the Athletic Trainer at Coughlin High School.
Q: Who would you say, is the most influential person in your life?
A: My brother definitely is. He showed me what it means to be an all-around person. He was a student athlete who was able to play basketball in college, while graduating with amazing honors. He is my best friend and encourages me to be at my best everyday.
Q: A quote you live your life by?
A: “Keep trying. Stay humble, Trust your instincts. Most importantly, act. When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” -Yogi Berra
Q: What does “Be Colonel” mean to you?
A: To always play for the name on the front of the jersey not the name on the back. As a student athlete, you represent so much more than yourself, you represent your teammates and your school on and off the field.