Getting to know… Kaitlyn Sitch
Junior cross country runner, Kaitlin Sitch
Name: Kaitlyn Sitch
Year: Junior
Major(s): Electrical Engineering
Hometown/High School: Weatherly, PA and MMI Prep
Q: What was the driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?
A: I came to Wilkes due to the welcoming community, everyone made me feel so comfortable and I knew then that Wilkes was the right place for my second home. Coach Wadas made me feel as though I was already part of the team and definitely made my decision to come to Wilkes easier.
Q: What are your hopes for the upcoming season?
A: Although this season is almost coming to a close, the coaching staff and the team have been so encouraging. I hope that as a team we place better at MACs than last year and I am always looking to beat my personal record.
Q: What are your hopes for your next season as a Colonel?
A: Next season is going to be very bittersweet as it is my senior year running cross country. I hope that we can continue to stay a cohesive group during the offseason and we can work on more team building activities to welcome the new members.
Q: When/Why did you first begin running cross country?
A: I started running cross country my senior year of high school. My sister convinced me to run because our team only had four girls and none of their scores would count unless one more girl joined. After a lot of persuasion, I joined and have loved it ever since.
Q: Do you have other sports/interest/hobbies off of the field?
A: I love all things Disney; my favorite movie is the Lion King and my family vacations to Disney World every year. I also enjoy binging on Netflix, when I can find time in my busy schedule and spending time with my friends. Every summer I enjoy lifeguarding at the lake in my hometown, which is nice way to stay in touch with old friends.
Q: Who is the most influential person in your life? Why?
A: Dr. Nazzal told me that he can see me going to graduate school and pursuing a Ph.D. I feel that if that conversation never happened, I would not be involved in many of the activities I am today.
Purvit Patel is an Environmental Engineering with a minor in Political Science and Geology Class of 2018. He started as a sports photographer, and now...