Getting to know… Lauren Hertzog Sophomore Golfer

From Mertztown, Pa, Lauren attends Wilkes with a major in pharmacy as she golfs for the Women’s Golf Team.

Q:What was the driving force for your decision to come to Wilkes?

A: The pharmacy program

Q: Post-graduation plans in terms of a career?

A: I want to become a pediatric pharmacist.

Q: What are your hopes for your second season as a Colonel?

A: This is my first season on the golf team, so I would just like to learn how to play the game and become a better player.

Q: When/Why did you first begin playing golf?

A: I’ve played once a year since I was around seven, but this is my first time on an actual team.

Q: If you had to choose one thing about Wilkes’ Golf Program that you could improve, what would it be?

A: I wish we could practice on our actual home course more.

Q: Do you have other sports/interest/hobbies off of the field?

A: I also play volleyball and like to run.

Q: Who would you say, is the most influential person in your life?

A: My dad.

Q: A quote you live your life by?

A: “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”  -Babe Ruth

Q: Do you have any advice for the freshmen student athletes beginning their freshman seasons and semesters?

A: Work hard in athletics and academics; they are both important.  Don’t get discouraged and stressed when things get hard, it will get better if you keep pushing through. Finally,  always do your best.

Q: How do you feel about the changes being made to campus this year? What do you like or dislike?

A: I like the gateway; it’s a lot nicer to walk from towers to campus now.  And I like the new salad place in stark, I eat there at least three times a week.