Meet Megan Powers, a freshman volleyball player who has already stepped up and shown off her skill in games. In high school she was named all area her senior year, and captain. Studying accounting at Wilkes, she has a plan for her future and is excited to make decisions down her path. From Pottsville, P.A., to a new team at Wilkes, she already feels like family and she couldn’t be happier! Thanks to her most inspirational person in life, her dad, she wouldn’t be where she is today.
When did you start playing volleyball?
I started playing volleyball in 6th grade for my CYO team.
Why did you get involved with the sport?
I got into playing volleyball because I was told my by cousin, who played, that I’d enjoy it and had the potential of being a good player. After learning all aspects of the game, I completely fell in love with the sport and that caused me to put in the effort to become a great player.
Did you always know you were going to play in college?
Originally I had planned to play volleyball in college, applying to Wilkes, West Chester, and Shippensburg. I changed my mind and decided to apply to the University of Alabama. After I got accepted, I visited the school and made the choice to go there. But I then changed my mind again realizing that volleyball was a huge part of my life that I wasn’t ready to give up yet.
Where do you get your inspiration?
My inspiration comes from all the support I receive from my family, friends, and even old high school coaches that coached me. At least weekly I get texts and calls from coaches congratulating me or asking me how everything is going. I’m also blessed with family and friends who make it to games and are so supportive. My mom and dad try to never miss a game, and seeing their faces in the stands make me push 10 times harder to make them proud. Knowing I have such great people behind me gives me the inspiration to be the best I can be.
Being a Freshman, what’s the biggest challenge you feel you have?
So far, the biggest challenged I have come across when playing as a freshman and basically having the role as a “quarterback” on that court, is realizing that this is a whole new level of playing. The nonsense that happened in high school isn’t accepted here. Controlling my temper has been a huge part of my game too.
What is the best part about playing volleyball?
The best part about playing volleyball is always having something that I’m able to push myself to become better at. All year I work hard to become better than I was the day before. Also, I love being on this volleyball team for the fact that I have gained eight new friends that I now consider to be like my sisters because of how close we have become.
Is there something you do before every game?
Whether we’re on the bus for an away game, or I’m walking over to the Marts Center for a home game, I always listen to the song “Remember the Name” by Fort Minor. The song gets me pumped up and excited for game time!
Are there any proud moments in your career that you could never forget?
The top 2 moments in my career that I would say I am most proud of would have to be when I was named player of the year in my Division my senior year. Also when I recently broke the Wilkes school record for most assists in one game, which was previously set in 1993!
When you think of the word “team”, what comes to mind?
When I think of the word team, I immediately think of the word family. With only having nine girls on our team, we are closer than many other teams. We work together as one group with confidence in one another that things on the court will get done! But also, we look at each other off the court with the love and respect that a family would.
Is working with classes and practice hard?
Absolutely. One of the hardest things so far is trying to manage my time. Everyday classes get harder and the work gets more demanding. But being able to get through a day of classes, lifting, practices, and studying gives me a great sense of accomplishment because of how much I really do get done in a day.
Do you have any idea of what you want to do with your major?
Yes, as of right now I am majoring in accounting and I am planning on double majoring it with business administration. I hope to pass my CPA exam, then make more career decisions after that!