During a White House speech last week, President Biden enacted a controversial mandate that requires all companies with more than 100 workers to be vaccinated or tested weekly for COVID-19. Additionally, vaccines are now mandated for all health care workers, federal contractors and most federal employees, with disciplinary measures put in place if they refuse.
Some may argue that President Biden is overstepping his powers with this new mandate. However, when the number of new cases still surpasses a hundred thousand each day, mandates are necessary to allow for a healthier and safer America.
Governors and other government officials publicly oppose this mandate as they claim that they value “freedom of choice,” but this idea is riddled in falsehoods. It has become increasingly evident that politicians refuse to endorse the vaccine and mandates solely to show opposition to the president. Our hospitals are riddled with coronavirus patients, taking up space for others. Our children are being sent to school without masks. Some of our own citizens do not even believe that the virus exists.
The only freedom that is being protected is the freedom to die as those who are unvaccinated are 11 times more likely to die from the disease as those whose are vaccinated. If anything, opposing the mandate actually infringes on my freedom as I, a fully vaccinated person, still have to wear a mask in many public buildings and some of my classes have already been canceled.
Over the course of the pandemic, we had to watch as our favorite businesses permanently closed their doors, our fellow students lost years of schooling, and our friends and family fell ill or even lost their lives to the disease. Now, a year and a half later, businesses are still struggling, some students are still online, and thousands are still dying. Why should this go on any longer when this mandate along with possible stricter mandates would allow this pandemic to finally be put to an end?
Joe Biden’s mandates are not a new idea. Certain vaccines, such as the measles vaccine, have been required in order to attend many elementary and high schools. It has been shown that vaccine mandates like these have greatly reduced the risk of spreading infectious diseases.
Many have claimed they are unvaccinated because they are unable to get an appointment or did not meet the initial requirements. However, the COVID-19 vaccines are becoming increasingly accessible. Now, anyone over the age of 12 can receive the Pfizer vaccine. Pharmacies like Rite-Aid and CVS have walk-in clinics, and we have even had vaccine clinics on campus.
Others have claimed that they did not get the vaccine because they felt it was unsafe, but on August. 23, the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer vaccine for those 16 and older. Even after the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer vaccine, 80 million Americans who are eligible for the vaccine remain unvaccinated. We trust the FDA when it comes to approving the food we eat and the other medication we take, so why do we draw the line at the vaccine?
Some may fear side effects. The most common side effects are muscle aches, headaches, tiredness and nausea. These side effects can be inconvenient, but they should go away after a few days. Slight discomfort for a day or two in exchange for protection against a potentially deadly disease sounds like a reasonable exchange to me.
It has become increasingly frustrating that so many Americans refuse to get the life-saving vaccine when it is easily accessible, free, FDA approved, and causes very mild side effects for most. Although I am not usually in favor of government mandates and intervention, it is necessary if Americans continue to refuse to get the vaccine for no sensible reason.
I am beginning to lose empathy for those who are essentially prolonging the pandemic just for the sake of utilizing their self-proclaimed “freedom.” It is not rebellious. It is not “sticking it to the man.” It is simply un-American and cowardice to watch our mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents and fellow citizens become ill or die when it could have been prevented.
“We’ve been patient,” President Biden said to those unvaccinated. “But our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us.”
When lives are on the line, this is not something that can be taken lightly. We can not simply ignore the problem our country is facing. The solution is the vaccine, so if some refuse it, then these mandates, along with future stricter mandates, are necessary to move forward as a nation.