Top five tips on how to survive each college semester
1) Stay Well Rested
Throughout one’s formative and academic years, getting eight hours of sleep has come to be a trite but true concept.
Obtaining enough sleep is essential to academic success and will provide one with the sufficient amount of energy needed to handle life as a Wilkes student.
For freshmen as well as upperclassmen, attaining less than eight hours of sleep in high school was likely feasible, though in college, it is quite the contrary.
According to an article from Science Daily, it is said that “students with more regular sleeping patterns had better school grades on average.”
This finding may appear to be common knowledge, but the science is much deeper.
It is suggested that the circadian rhythm of students with irregular sleep schedules, as compared to students who had consistent sleeping schedules, displayed a shift of approximately three hours.
Subsequently, melatonin is distributed approximately 2.6 hours later in students who sustain irregular sleeping patterns. With that being said, why not try going to sleep earlier this semester because, well — science.
2)Stay Organized
Wilkes University is home to a broad range of clubs, organizations, and a rigorous academic curriculum that is sure to simultaneously challenge and entertain you.
If you attended the Wilkes University Club Day event, you were informed via email about the local happenings on campus and it may be overwhelming, especially your freshman year.
In order to combat this, make sure to get a physical and/or digital agenda. This will give you the ability to quickly note all of your activities as well as academic assignments. It is important to look at your class syllabus, and plan ahead.
Making a “mental note” is a tried and true pitfall that will eventually lead to forgetting about assignments, as well as attending your favorite campus activities.
So clear your mind and leave the hard work to your agenda, it’s similar to having a portable secretary.
3) Develop a Healthy Routine
As the semester draws forward you may find that your academic schedule is etched in your mind and you’re beginning to develop a routine.
After completing my freshmen year at Wilkes University, I’d like to offer a few tips to add to your already established queue.
For one, it is vital to nourish your body as well as your mind. In other words, take advantage of the local YMCA, which offers a free membership to students, as well as the healthy selections of food at Henry’s Food Court. The freshman fifteen is very real and with this tip, I avoided it, and so can you.
Also, live by the platitude that “the early bird gets the worm.” No matter what, make a concerted effort to be as early as possible to any class you have, as it is advantageous to you academically.
And last but not least, make sure to review everything you learn in your lectures on a daily basis so that cramming is unnecessary,. You’ll thank me later.
4) Read for Pleasure
One of the most pleasurable pastimes is reading for leisure. Engaging in a thought provoking, enjoyable novel is a great way to keep your mind fresh and ready to take on your assignments.
Whether you’re an English, sports management, engineering, sociology or biology major; reading will always pose a benefit to you on an intellectual level.
5) Be Yourself
And last but not least, in college your top priority should be to ensure that you excel within your academic endeavors. College is also a time to develop and fine tune your sense of self.
Therefore, avoid conformity at all costs as it is another pitfall many young adults find themselves in. In order to evade conformity, attempt to pursue your goals and dreams.
“Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility”. -Oprah Winfrey
Savannah is a junior English major with a minor in Women's and Gender Studies.
In the Fall of 2017, Savannah started her experience with The Beacon...