Meet the Majors
Junior Nicholas Whitney
When Nicholas started college he decided to major in biology. Not too long after, Nicholas figured out that biology was not for him and gave history a chance, making it his major.
According to Nicholas, the reason he is so intrigued with history is that history is broader than people tend to realize.
Junior Nicole Kolessar
“I decided to specialize in history because I believe that learning about the past can help you shape the future.
“This will aid me in the future because I hope to use my History major to get into graduate school and receive a Ph.D in History. I also hope to become a college professor.”
Senior Sarah O’Hara
Sarah started with a major in psychology, but switched to history after talking to her high school teacher one summer, who brought up how good she was at history, which made her switch.
The advice from her teacher worked out well, because Sarah does not regret changing her major to history.
Senior Courtney McMonagle
“I chose to major in history because of my dad’s love for it. He is a huge history buff and I could never outsmart him when it came to trivia.
“Being a History Major made me a better writer and provided me the skills to perform excellent research, which will be especially useful when I become a lawyer.”