Thank you for all of the opportunities
As I am laying out my final edition of The Beacon, I feel the need to write one of the longest but most well deserved thank you notes. I figure if Jimmy Fallon can write out thank you notes, I can too.
Thank you to the readers who have made writing my weekly book reviews not a chore but one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.
I have valued your constructive critiques and your praise. I have valued all of your comments especially, “You made me want run out and buy the book!”
I never thought when I asked if I could write a small book review column two years ago that it would turn into copy editing, a full page article, a job as assistant opinion editor and then finally a job as opinion editor.
I never thought I would become proficient in varying types of software I have been using on a weekly basis. I am thankful for being able to expand the skills I will take onto graduate school and into the work force.
I am thankful for the amazing friends I made on the staff. I am grateful for the opportunity as a writer to be publishing every week and to work with amazing writers, knowledgeable editors, a supportive faculty adviser, Dr. Kalen Churcher, and creative designers.
I enjoyed writing opinion articles discussing hot button, trending topics, while working to shine a light on those who cannot always speak for themselves such as victims of abuse and those suffering with traumatic brain injuries.
I would have never imagined when I started I would be winning a national award from Region 1 of the Society of Professional Journalists and representing Wilkes University and The Beacon on a national level.
The English nerd I am loved discussing some of my favorite new works of literature and rediscovering classics.
Books always will be one of the most successful ways to reach across barriers of race, gender, time and social position. In an instance, as fast as it takes to turn a page, books allow us the ability to think in ways we never could have imagined and to inhabit the lives and ideas of those we never thought possible.
I hope with each article and each review, I was able to give the reader just a little piece of the magical quality of books and the powerful ability of the English language.
I hope reading my articles has brought readers half of the joy they brought me while writing them.
With gratitude,
Sara Pisak is a Senior English Creative Writing and English Literature major. Sara is the Opinion Editor for The Beacon.