Marvel Comics team up with Wounded Warriors Project
Marvel comics began in 1939. The company was founded by Martin Goodman in New York City, and the company produces comic books and other media.
The movies produced are very well known. Some of them include, The Avengers, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, the X-men movies and Spiderman movies as well. The famous comic books produced include the following: Star Wars, The Avengers, Spiderman etc.
Now the well-known brand and empire is contributing to another cause other than entertainment. Marvel is teaming up with the Wounded Warrior Project. The Wounded Warrior Project is a charity and veteran service organization that offers a variety of programs, services and events for wounded veterans for the military and men and women who serve.
According to, the organization’s mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors. The organization continues to state its vision is to “foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history.” The purpose of the great organization is “to raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured service embers, to help injured service members aid and assist each other, to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.”
These two well-known organizations combined their talents and services and have created a comic book. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the storyline will see Thompson, who was revealed in 2008’s Amazing Spider-Man No. 574 to have lost both his legs while serving as a soldier in Iraq, receive prosthetic legs and deal with the process of coming to terms with his new limbs and handle the rehabilitation necessary. Running in the new Venom: Space Knight series, the story line will be written by Robbie Thompson with input from Wounded Warrior Project spokesperson (and double amputee) Dan Nevins.
This story will bring awareness to prosthetics and aspects related to this topic. When asked their thoughts on this collaboration many of the students of Wilkes University had a lot to say.
Sophomore Quinn Kelly explained, “I think that it’s a great idea. I think that this comic book will help people who do have a prosthetic limbs feel more comfortable with themselves. It can be an effective coping mechanism.”
Ashley Weber voiced her opinion as well. Weber stated, “I think that often, American citizens overlook the Wounded Warrior Project, and I think that bringing awareness through the Marvel comic books will lead to an increase in awareness for organizations that help disabled veterans, as they are often overlooked when people are looking to give back to an organization.”
Marvel Comics and the Wounded Warrior project has created something great and hopefully the two different organizations will collaborate more in the near future.

Allison is a sophomore elementary childhood education major with a special education certification. She is a staff writer for the Opinion section.