Major water crisis in Michigan leaves many residents sick
Residents from all different states always argue that something from their state is better than another’s: food, driving abilities, clothing stores and countless others are often the subject of debate.
Most residents from different states tend to be very proud and show that they are proud of where they were born and raised. However, residents from Flint Michigan aren’t likely to be bragging about their hometown anytime soon. There is a great amount of controversy regarding the water contamination in Flint, Michigan.
Over this past week, multiple news reports have discussed this issue and the story has spread all over the media. Pollution is a major topic that is talked about all over the world. I could only imagine what residents of Flint, Michigan are feeling.
According to CNN, around two years ago, the state decided to save money. As a result the state switched Flint, Michigan’s water supply from Lake Huron (which they were paying the city of Detroit for), to the Flint River. Apparently the water supply switch was supposed to be temporary; however, it has been announced that the water is still unable to drink. explained further, “The river itself was also found to contain eight times more chloride than Detroit’s water, a chemical that is highly corrosive to metals. Most residents in Flint have decades-old lead service lines that connect their homes to the city’s main water pipes. When water from the river fl owed through those pipes, it ate away at their insides, allowing lead to enter the supply”.
The water in Flint River contained high levels of lead which unfortunately impacted the residents of Flint Michigan negatively.
As a result of the high concentration of lead. the lead caused serious health issues of residents. Lead can cause negative impacts on an individuals brain as well.
Now there are multiple law suits and a series of ongoing investigations regarding this topic. The water supply has impacted the residents of Flint, Michigan, horribly.
One does not think about how much they use water daily until something happens to the water. An individual uses water to brush their teeth, to shower, to cook, etc. According to the United States Geological Survey on average each person uses about 80 to 100 hundred gallons of water per day. Imagine how greatly this water impacted these residents if this enormous amount of lead contaminated water was being consumed and used for over two years.
USA Today explained, “The president’s actions authorize the Federal Emergency
“Management Agency (FEMA) to coordinate responses and cover 75% of the costs for much-needed water, filters, filter cartridges and other items for residents, capped initially at $5 million.
“Typically, federal aid for an emergency is capped at $5 million, though the president can commit more if he goes through Congress.”
There is still an ongoing investigation and a lot more can be done to solve and provide help to this issue and the people affected. There are many inquiries about lead poisoning as well.
Hopefully there will be a positive result to this investigation and the residents of Flint Michigan receive support and services.

Allison is a sophomore elementary childhood education major with a special education certification. She is a staff writer for the Opinion section.