Do college students really run on coffee?
College is like a bubble to the outside world.
In that bubble students are constantly running around trying to squeeze everything possible into small periods of time, including clubs, meetings, going to class, studying for their classes until ungodly hours of the night and going out with their friends as well.
Something must keep students running and focused so they have the energy to make it through their busy schedule.
This is where coffee comes into play.
Coffee gives people an energy boost and keeps individuals alert. It can also become addicting. According to, caffeine is a stimulant to the central nervous system, and regular use of caffeine does cause mild physical dependence.
Becoming dependent on coffee or on any substance is not good for you. Harvard‘s T.H. Chan, from the school of public health, said that 54 percent of Americans over the age of 18 drink coffee every day.
Americans drink an average of 3.1 cups a day. Sixty-five percent of Americans drink it with breakfast, 30 percent drink it in between meals, and 5 percent drink it with metals other than breakfast. The United States of America spends $40 billion dollars on coffee per year.
The reasoning on why college students drink coffee as much as they do can vary. Sophomore Sarah Adelfio had a lot to say about her caffeine consumption habits.
“On average, I drink two to three cups of coffee a day,” Adefio said. “On a busy day I usually drink more than that. I can study without coffee but I typically have a cup before I study to help me focus more. I go through very bad withdrawals after 24 hours of not having coffee.”
Student Jacqueline Scheffler similarly enjoys drinking coffee.
“Depending on how my day goes, I drink one or two cups daily. I usually have one in the morning and that gets me through the day but sometimes I need more than one and I always make sure it is dark roast.
“I can study without it but I prefer studying with coffee. I do not go through withdrawals, I can go days without having it but I drink it because it tastes good, wakes me up, and helps me with headaches.”
Ashley Weber explained, “I consume coffee once a day. I can study without coffee and I am not dependent on it. I do not have withdrawals from coffee either.”
Coffee consumption habits vary from student to student. Some do not need coffee to focus like Weber; however, others need coffee to complete their everyday tasks like Adelfio and Scheffler.
Clearly, many college students are dependent on coffee. After hearing these caffeine consumption statistics and habits it is true that America really does run on coffee.

Allison is a sophomore elementary childhood education major with a special education certification. She is a staff writer for the Opinion section.