Bare-faced or clown-faced: Is there a preference?
Why are we judged by our outer appearance the most?
Why, especially is it in the work force, one is first judged on their clothing, hair, and exterior features.
People are judged on their everyday appearance even before others get to know them. First impressions say a lot about an individual but should they?
First impressions are relevant in a dating setting, social setting, and the most important of them all, the work place. Bosses are most likely going to choose the individual that looks the most professional. The quality or value of an individual’s work and work ethic should not be solely based on someone’s outer qualities.
In some professions, women may feel obligated to wear make up to work, particularly in professions that deal with the public. A job interviewer should not force someone to wear make-up if they do not want to.
It is one thing if women want to wear makeup but they should not be required to in order to be taken seriously in the world; whether in a social environment or a professional environment. According to the Huffington Post, out of three thousand women, 91 percent of them would cancel a first date if they did not have makeup on, 31 percent said they that they would not exercise at a gym if they were bare-faced.
There is a difference between being professional and needing to meet the requirements of today’s society. Have we as a generation taken professionalism to the extreme?
The Detroit Free Press stated factors that could be preventing ones career success: “On the appearance side, employers cited provocative clothing (44%), wrinkled clothes or shabby appearance (43%), piercings outside of traditional ear piercings (32%), clothing that’s too casual for the workplace (27%), visible tattoos (27%), an unprofessional or ostentatious haircut (25%), unprofessional or ostentatious facial hair (24%).”

Allison is a sophomore elementary childhood education major with a special education certification. She is a staff writer for the Opinion section.