So yeah, in the past few weeks, Justin Bieber has completely flew off his rocker (Valley phrase, sorry). He showed up two hours late for a concert in London, he threatened to beat the f%*k out of a photographer, had to be carried into his van, and was hospitalized. What’s going on with Justin Bieber?
In my opinion, if he keeps his life on this track, I truly don’t see him being in the limelight, or having a music career for that matter, for more than three years.
He’s really turned into a spoiled little brat. Am I right or am I right? If it weren’t for his fans, he’d just be a boy from Canada, eh?
I used to be a Bieber fan (Belieber), but that was in the “Never Say Never” days. But ever since he’s decided to drop his pants, dress like a complete moron, and threaten people, I’m starting to stray away from all of the hysteria. That presence that he used to possess just isn’t there anymore, and he’s starting to lose a big chunk of his fan base.
Now, I know many young 13 year old girls will disagree with me because Justin is their God, and that’s okay… as usual. I invite you to disagree with me.
If you know what’s going on with Justin Bieber, just comment below and we’ll chat!