Student Government convened for its fifth weekly meeting of the Spring 2025 semester on Feb. 12. The meeting addressed five funding requests from either campus clubs or Student Government committees.
The Student Government Treasurer’s report showed a current budget of $64,676.
The first presentation of the meeting was given by Lambda Kappa Sigma for their week two of two funding request. The organization is a professional pharmacy fraternity that is focused on elevating women in pharmacy.
Lambda Kappa Sigma presented that they have held multiple fundraising events across the past two semesters. Its members have completed a cannoli sale, baked goods sale, empanada sale and more fundraising events.
The organization is requesting either $2,652 or $3,757 at the discretion of the Student Government. The allocation from Student Government will help to fund Lambda Kappa Sigma’s attendance at their National Convention during July in Pittsburg, PA.
Student Government voted to allocate $2,652 to Lambda Kappa Sigma.
The combined schools of Pharmacy and Nursing were next to present for their week two of two funding request. Since 2018, the two schools have collaborated every year to hold the Late Night Lift event at the YMCA.
The Late Night Lift event will be held on Mar. 24 from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and will only be open for Wilkes University students. During the event, students will have access to weights, ellipticals, the pool, yoga, fitness classes, and more. Additionally, the first 150 students in attendance will be eligible for the event’s giveaway.
The Pharmacy and Nursing schools are requesting a total of $2,250 to fund the entire event, including giveaway items and gift cards.
Student Government voted to allocate the full amount of $2,250 to the Pharmacy and Nursing schools.
The Student Advocacy Student Government Committee presented next for their week two of two funding request. The committee was created to speak up for student rights, address systematic issues, empower student voices, promote equity and inclusion, and fight for policy changes.
The committee will be holding four events throughout the Spring 2025 semester, including two Tell Us Day events, a Whine and Cheese Night event and a Discussion Panel event. To fund the four events, the Student Advocacy Student Government Committee is requesting a total of $200.
Student Government voted to allocate the full $200 to the Student Advocacy Committee.
The next presenter was another Student Government Committee, the Pronoun Advocacy Committee. The committee wants all students on the Wilkes University campus to feel safe and secure in presenting with their gender identity.
To achieve their goal, the committee will be giving out pronoun pins, You Are Safe With Me pins, and ally pins. The Pronoun Advocacy Student Government Committee is requesting a total of $402 for the pronoun advocacy pins.
Student Government voted to allocate the full amount of $402 to the Student Advocacy Committee.
The last funding request and official business of the meeting was given by the Big Event planning committee representative. The Big Event is an annual tradition at Wilkes University where students go to places in the surrounding community and do various types of volunteer work.
The Big Event will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end after noon. During the events, students will be able to volunteer at various indoor or outdoor locations across the community, eat breakfast and lunch with their fellow volunteers, receive giveaway items and participate in the Little Event that follows.
The Big Event planning committee is requesting either $15,351 or $13,084 depending on what type of item they give away. However, this number is subject to change as the committee is waiting for a confirmation of a possible decrease in food costs.
The Big Event planning committee representative will return next week for their week two of two funding request.
Student Government will meet again on Feb. 19.