Student Government returned from spring break and held its eighth weekly meeting of the Spring 2024 semester on March 13. This week’s meeting addressed club reports, club recognition, and Student Body President elections. SG has a current budget of $7,862.
SWE-Tess kicked off the club report presentation portion of the meeting. Students of the club presented their STEM nights, hosted during the Fall 2023 semester, and their Amazing Race, hosted during the Spring 2024 semester, club activities they sponsored. They also presented their flower sale and build-your-own-bouquet fundraisers. SG approved the club report.
The Air and Waste Management Association was the next presenting club. Students described their club’s activities, such as their combined BBQ and Professor Networking Social. Along with their activities, the students reported their engagement in community service through a riverside clean-up and their fundraising activities of an engineering paper sale and a plant sale. To finalize their report, the students discussed their annual conference and Leadership Training Academy. SG approved the club report.
The following report was delivered by the Ecology Club. Students presenting the report explained their goal to promote ecological knowledge throughout the campus community. For the Fall 2023 semester, the club reported its activity in weekly meetings, the Invasive Species Halloween party, the class trip to New York City, and the STEM Ball. For the Spring 2024 semester, the club reported its activity in Club Day, Plant and Sip, and its spring break trip. Students of the club reported that in the future there will be an increase in hikes, two guest speakers visiting, outreach to other schools, and outdoor skills and safety trips. SG approved the club report.
The final club to deliver a club report during the meeting was the Neuroscience Club. Students representing the club described their community service at the Jericho Community Center and detailed the presentations they provide at the center. The club also presented their publication, the Brainwaves Article, and their attendance at the EPA Conference where they saw Dr. Thomas’s research. The Neuroscience Club spoke about their future goal to hold a bake sale during the Fall 2024 semester. SG approved the club report.
The Space and Astronomy Club began week one of two to request club recognition. The club’s mission is to provide a place for students who are interested in the science of astronomy. As there is not yet a recognized astronomy club on campus, the Space and Astronomy Club currently has 18 members. The club plans to hold documentary nights, nights with telescopes, and bring in guest speakers as activities, and they plan to hold environmental clean-up projects and little libraries for community service. The club will return on March 20 to resume week 2 of 2 to request club recognition.
Finally, Student Body President election season is here. The two nominees for the position are Adam Butterwick, an upcoming Junior Mechanical Engineering major, and Nolee Ana Grabowski, an upcoming Senior Business Management major. The voting window is open from March 14 to March 19 through a Google Form sent to all returning students’ Wilkes email.
SG will meet again on March 20.