Wilkes University’s Student Government perused multiple fund requests despite its depleting funds, and new club recognition.
The annual Big Event, Wilkes University’s cross club community service project presented its proposed budget to Student Government.
Student Government requested that the event committee finalize the numbers to make the budget clearer for the vote next week.
The proposed budget request is $3,000.
The American Pharmacy Association requested $1,650 for registration fees for an upcoming conference discussing addiction for those with drug and alcohol dependencies.
All other expenses would be paid for out of pocket.
Representatives thought the idea was great and was fairly inexpensive. The vote will be held at the following meeting.
The ASME club’s fund request for its annual car show came to vote at this week’s meeting.
After a budget modification, the club promised to give any excess revenue back to Student Government.
Student Government voted to allocate $2,300 to ASME with a vote of 31-6-1 for miscellaneous expenses.
The Choral Club had its retroactive request voted on at last week’s meeting. The request was for $1,654.68 for various costs.
After tense debates, the motion passed with a close margin of 20-14-2.
ASHRAE requested club recognition status, after amending its constitution to match Student Government’s constitution.
The motion to award club recognition passed with a vote of 25-9-0.
Capital projects gave its list of proposed projects for this year, and the projects were voted upon.
The proposed plans for a new Xbox gaming system in the Student Union Building lounge, for $680 and a new Karaoke machine for approximately $400, did not pass the vote.
The proposed projects for a new speaker system for $600, new furniture for the Student Union Building lounge for $11,000, and 20 new folding tables for $1,679.99 were voted on.
Wilkes Communications Alumni Ryan Wood and Todd Oravic were guest presenters for a request to make a video about Wilkes University.
The idea is about the students and why Wilkes matters. “We really want any student who has a good story to come to us for the video, we would appreciate it,” said Wood.
The budget report for Student Government is as follows: all college: $2,663.39, spirit: $2,630, conference: $1,366.64, general: $3,283.16, giving Student Government a total of: $9,943.19.
Student Government meets every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Miller Room at the Henry Student Center.