The Wilkes University Bacchus Club presented its annual “Sexual Jeopardy” game show for students looking to learn about sexual issues in a fun, open manner Feb. 4 in the Henry Student Center Ballroom.
Rhonda Lynch, Bacchus Club President, adviser Gail Holby and members of the Bacchus Club organized the evening with a jeopardy style format allowing teams of four to test their knowledge on sexual topics such as “Anatomy and Protection,” “Birth Control,” “STDs” and “Condoms.”
The game’s host, Anne Holmes, warned students at the very beginning that this would be a straight forward evening and that those “trying” to be offended by the content matter, probably would be.
The program opened with a short video entitled, “10 Ways a Condom Can’t Protect You … ” featuring situations like encountering a velociraptor or a wrecking ball but highlighting the protection condoms do offer against STDs.
The show continued asking teams questions pertaining to sexual encounters, sexually transmitted diseases, proper methods of protection all the while Holmes would include explanation to issues and even including anecdotes and puns.
“I thought it was very informative. There was a lot that was unknown. It definitely wasn’t your normal health class, that’s for sure,” Gabby Glinkski, freshman Communication Studies major said.
In between Jeopardy question sets, Holmes answered pre-submitted audience questions, some more profound than others.
Some responses warranted a demonstrated which included the proper technique of putting on a condom which included the use of a fake penis which yielded some laughter from the audience.
Audience members who answered questions received blow-pops for correct answers.
Each member of the winning team left home with a prize but no one left empty handed. Students were encouraged to take condoms and information packets as per request of past Sexual Jeopardy attendees.
Sexual Jeopardy took place from 9 to 10 p.m. and is an annual event.