Wilkes University will be hosting an event for students with the purpose of technical aid for accounts and other professional business advisers.
Wilkes University with the Sidhu School of Business and Leadership and Northeastern Chapter Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accounts hosts the 60th annual Tax Clinic.
This event is occurring from 8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Nov. 22 in the Henry Student Center Ballroom.
The proceeds from the annual Tax Clinic benefit a scholarship fund established by the NEPA CPA.
“The chapter awards partial tuition scholarships to accounting students entering their senior year if achieving high academic endeavor in the study of accounting,” Professor Cynthia Chisarick said.
Scholarship reciepients from Wilkes University include Kaitlin Chaase, Pamela Frosner, Theresa Roman and Emily Weary.
Speakers for the event included the president of the NEPA CPA, William Lazor of Kronick Kaladia Berdy & Ko, Edward Kollar of ParenteBeard, Andrew Malone of Fesnak And Associates, and Nicholas Crocetti of CBIZ accounting and tax advisory services.
The Tax Clinic Committee for the event includes Cynthia Chisarick who is co-chair, Michael Yencha, also co-chair, Desiree Anderson and Marilyn Derolf.
Exhibitors to the event include Becker Professional Education and Bookkeeping Express.
Registration deadline ends Nov. 19. The registration form and registration requires a fee of $165, which can be made out to Wilkes University or online at wilkes.augusoft.net. Only VISA and MasterCard are usable online.
Registration forms for this event as well as further information, contact Ann Marie Feldmeth at [email protected].
All sessions are scheduled at the student center. A limited number of parking spaces will be reserved for the Tax Clinic participants directly behind the center.
All participants receive eight hours of continuing professional education credit.