Liz’s Craft Column: Valentine’s Day heart no-sew throw pillows

A quick and easy gift for Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day craft is a no sew throw pillow. There is no needle and thread
required, which makes this craft quick to make. It can add a holiday touch to any space
and the pattern of the pillow can be personalized. This craft is also affordable because it
only requires a few supplies, which can be found at any craft store.
• Two colors of fleece fabric. These colors can be Valentine’s Day themes but do
not have to be. They also can match or the pillow can have two designs and be
• Scissors
• Pillow stuffing or Poly-fil

1. First, cut a square that is at least two feet by two feet out of the first pattern
fabric. Then, fold that piece of fabric in half. Out of this, cut half of a heart shape
using the folding edge as the center of the heart. Unfold the fabric to reveal the
heart shape. The edges do not have to be perfectly cut because they will mostly not
be visible.

2. Place the first heart on top of the
second color fabric. Cut around the
original heart.
The edges of this one also do not have
to be perfect but make sure the size of
both hearts are the same so they line up

3. Once the two hearts are cut, lay them
on top of each other evenly. Starting at
the point on the bottom, cut one and
half to two inch strips around the edge
of the heart.
The strips will curve as they go around
the top of the heart but make sure their
length still stays long enough. It may
help to draw a heart on the fabric two
inches in from the edge to guide where
the strips are cut.

4. After the strips are cut, starting at the
bottom, tie the strips that lay on top of
each other together. Tie them twice so
they stay secured.
Repeat this around the heart until there
is just a small gap before the starting
point. Grab some of the pillow stuffing
and, using the gap, put the stuffing into
the pillow. Stuff it until there is just
enough room to tie the rest of the strips

5. Finish tying the strips and then the
pillow is complete. Rearrange any of the
stuffing to make it even and then feel
free to display it anywhere for a fun,
handmade decoration.
This throw pillow is a festive decoration
perfect for the season and can also be
finished just in time. This craft only
takes about a half hour, so it is perfect
to do in a hurry before the holiday.