Love Your Career Month helps future employees
The beginning steps to applying for a job and the preceding interview are possibly the most difficult steps to getting hired.
On Feb. 17, as part of “Love Your Career Month,” Wilkes University’s career planning department held a seminar titled “Would you love to get hired?” in the Miller Room of the Henry Student Union Building.
Jackie Kendzor, human resource manager for Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance company, and Guard recruiter, Krissy Byrk, presented at the seminar.
The topics ranged from resumé tips, dress tips and interview tips, all in which are from the perspective of human resource professionals for a company that hires people for many positions and with various majors.
“Sometimes less is more,” explained Kendzor. “Your resumé should be short, sweet and simple.”
Kendzor and Byrk also advise to remove the objective part of the resumé saying, “It gets people in trouble. The objective is to get a job or career.”
They advised students on how to answer common questions that are asked by employers like, “what are your weaknesses?” and “why should the company hire you?”
To “what are your weaknesses?” Kendzor advised students to: “highlight a strength and possible solutions to weakness.”
To “why should the company hire you?” Kendzor answered: “That is a chance to summarize your experience and what makes you different.”
There were about 35 students in attendance and although the seminar targeted juniors and seniors, specifically, the seminar could apply to all students.
Alex Premici, a sophomore finance major at Wilkes University and an attendee of the seminar, said, “the seminar was beneficial and very helpful to me because it put into perspective what interviewers expect from you.”
Premici encourages students of any major to attend a seminar like this, citing the inevitable interview process that comes with job searching.
Though many are far from graduating college, those who come closer to it this May will need to be relatively up to date on how to navigate the critical time of job searching and develop relative interpersonal skills which will aid them in the interviewing process.
Knowing what the employer is looking for beforehand will give anyone the upper hand.
For more information on ways to prepare for your future after graduation, students are asked to contact Career Services or visit the office located in Conyngham Hall.