“STDs for 400,” said a member of the Sexy Narwhals team last tuesday night.
Phrases like that were heard by Wilkes students were educated about matters of sexual education when Anne Holmes visited campus on Feb. 3.
It all happened in the ballroom of the Student Union Building, where blow-pops flew about, where chuckles were uttered and where students had the chance to learn information about all things sexually related.
The BACCHUS Club sponsored a game of Sexual Jeopardy at 9 p.m. on Feb. 3 with tables stacked with pizza, cake and flavored condoms, where students were, of course, encouraged to take some of all three. Holmes opened the show with some interesting questions from Dr. Debra Chapman Biology 105 class.
As the night progressed Holmes alternated between jeopardy and those Biology 105 class questions throughout the rest of the show. Question with jeopardy were directed to the five teams consisting of five participants.
“She stressed throughout the program the importance of your own genitals.” Said Dr. Chapman. Holmes talked about the importance and sanctity of one’s own genitals over anyone else’s and it remained a common theme throughout the game. Whenever the use of protection or the contraction of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) was brought up, the significance of one’s own genitals was also talked about.
Dr. Chapman also expressed that her students, who had to write a review for their class of the night, are often surprised with the presentation. Chapman agreed that Holmes is a very dynamic speaker and is able to be open about any topic. Also, Holmes is knowledgeable about the different types of relationships between people and she is able to address that as well.
Students in the audience who answered an audience question correctly were awarded a blow-pop. Participants on the winning Sex Jeopardy team received $25 gift cards. The winning team was Sexy Narwhals.
As Holmes was conducting Sex Jeopardy, some audience members were enjoying cake in celebration of BACCHUS President, Shawn Carey’s 22nd birthday.
It is hopeful that Holmes will be returning to Wilkes again and again to continue to educate and engage students with sexual education.