Admit it, everyone is on Pinterest. It’s chock-full of amazing ideas and simple crafts that cause everyone to take one look at the picture with the “it’s so easy!” description and declare, “I could do that.” After some severe craft fails (and successes), I , Anne Yoskoski, decided it was time to share these experiences with everyone, hopefully saving at least one oven, set of eyebrows, trip to the doctor for stitches and a carpet in the process.
Scratch off Cards
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, a personalized lottery scratch off.
This post has been on Pinterest for months. It takes a bit more planning than the others, but if you want to make a special gift it’s worth it.
The cards were surprisingly very easy to make and only required a few items.
1. Acrylic Paint (I used silver, but any color can be used)
2. Dish Soap
3. Pen
4. Small paint brush
5. Card printed on cardstock
6. White crayon
1. Make any design on cardstock.
2. Write on the paper. If you leave it with the ink still wet, the crayon will smudge the writing.
3. Where ever the scratch-off area will be, completely with a white crayon.
4. Mix two parts acrylic paint with one part liquid dish washing soap.
5. Paint mixture over the area that you covered with the crayon. Be very liberal with your application, as
the wax from the crayon will act as a repellent.
6. Due to the thickness of the paint and the fact that the paint
can’t be absorbed in the paper, the valentine it will
need to dry for about one hour before it is dry.
This was more time consuming and messy, but surprisingly not too difficult. A bit pricier than the previous crafts ringing up at $7.49, I think it was still cheaper than buying a singing greeting card and candy to go with it that isn’t personalized at all.
Pintresting: A how to guide
Anne Yoskoski, Advertising Manager
February 12, 2013
About the Contributor

Anne Yoskoski, Managing Editor
Annie Yoskoski is a double major double minor at Wilkes University. Pursuing degrees in English literature and communication studies with concentrations in rhetoric and public relations along with a minor in history, Yoskoski will graduate in May 2014 and then head to law school and possibly gain a masters. Yoskoski loves to read, spend time with her dogs and watch amazing TV.