Trey Tietz, senior pharmacy major, knows what it’s like to have a lot on his plate. But somehow he still manages to coordinate daily workout sessions at 6 a.m.
As coordinator of the Health and Wellness Club, Tietz along with faculty advisor Residence Life Director Elizabeth Swantek, show students how to improve their overall well-being.
According to Tietz, their mission is, “To improve the health and wellness of the student body at Wilkes.”
Wilkes offered an exercise-based club in the past, but that lost its members and became inactive. To prevent this from happening to HAWC, Tietz labeled it as a “wellness” club instead of a “workout” club. In addition to daily workouts, proper nutrition is covered as well.
“Myself and a couple friends last semester got started with working out in the morning. I got really into it this year. Liz (Swantek) said we should make it a club,” Tietz said.
HAWC offers students an encouraging, judgment-free environment to help set and reach their fitness goals. The club provides a support system to its members as they take part in workouts and learn healthy eating habits.
“It’s a really supportive group. We don’t judge anyone. We’re here to help,” Tietz said.
Club members receive weekly emails which include a meal plan, schedule of workouts, healthy eating tips and motivating quotes.
Workouts are offered daily to all members starting at 6:00 a.m. in the SUB ballroom. While workouts are not required, Tietz and about 10-12 other students participate each day in the Beach Body Series, including P90X and Insanity workout routines, which last approximately 50 minutes.
The club also offers community service through educating children in local elementary schools and afterschool programs on the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise.
Tietz wanted it to be a group effort more along the lines of a team rather than the typical club format. Instead of the traditional president, vice president, treasurer and secretary, the club has a coordinator, co-coordinator, representatives and publicity chair.
It’s his interest and dedication that is inspiring for club members, but membership proves to be a rewarding experience for him.
“I try to help people to reach their goals,” Tietz said. “I love doing it.”
Some of HAWC’s goals include getting a member on the food committee in the SUB to promote more healthy choices and gaining popularity by getting as many people to join as possible. With 98 members on the mailing list already, they’re off to a good start.
In addition to this, Tietz wants to have members share and celebrate their success by weighing themselves in and taking before and after pictures.
Next year Tietz will be at his fifth year in the pharmacy program and ineligible to run the club, but he hopes it will continue to grow.
New Health and Wellness Club all about fitness
Janel Naro, Staff Writer
September 25, 2011